You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

370 lines
9.0 KiB

#include "Telegram/TelegramBot.h"
9 years ago
#include <iostream>
#include <curlpp/cURLpp.hpp>
#include <curlpp/Easy.hpp>
#include <curlpp/Infos.hpp>
#include <curlpp/Options.hpp>
#include "http_build_query.h"
#include "json_encode.h"
#include "std.h"
9 years ago
#include "Telegram/Message.h"
#include "Telegram/MessageEntity.h"
9 years ago
#define API_URL ""
9 years ago
7 years ago
* Constructor of Bot
* Calls init
9 years ago
9 years ago
Telegram::TelegramBot::TelegramBot() {
this->api_url = "";
9 years ago
* Constructor of bot
7 years ago
* Sets the API URL and calls init
* @param token a std::string storing the bot token
9 years ago
9 years ago
Telegram::TelegramBot::TelegramBot(std::string token) {
this->api_url = API_URL + token + "/";
9 years ago
* Adds a callback to the command list of the bot
* @param cmd a structure of type TCommand
9 years ago
void Telegram::TelegramBot::addCommand(TCommand cmd) {
if (cmd.command[0] != '/') {
cmd.command = "/" + cmd.command;
this->command_map[cmd.command] = cmd;
* Set the webhook
* The web hook URL is like https://<your domain>/cgi-bin/mybot.cgi
* A web hook must be set before you can get any messages from the Telegram
* network!
9 years ago
* @param url a std::string with the URL of the hook
9 years ago
void Telegram::TelegramBot::setWebhook(std::string url) {
std::map<std::string, std::string> params;
params["url"] = url;
this->apiRequest("setWebhook", params);
9 years ago
* Process incoming message
* @param message a std::string storing the message sent by the Telegram system
9 years ago
void Telegram::TelegramBot::processMessage(std::string message) {
this->msg = new Telegram::Message(message);
Telegram::TMessageEntities entities = this->msg->getEntities();
if (entities.size() && (entities[0]->getType() == "bot_command")) {
this->sendMessage(this->processCommand(this->msg->getText()), this->msg->getChat()->getId());
} else {
this->sendMessage("Hello " + this->msg->getChat()->getUsername() + ", you told me: '" + msg->getText() + "'", this->msg->getChat()->getId());
7 years ago
* A simple command to the API to get some information about the bot.
* @return Telegram::User* a pointer of an object of type Telegram::User
7 years ago
Telegram::User *Telegram::TelegramBot::getMe(void) {
Json::Value obj;
std::map<std::string, std::string> params;
obj = this->apiRequestJson("getMe", params);
return(new Telegram::User(obj["result"]));
9 years ago
7 years ago
* Send a text message to a user or group
* @param message The text of the message
* @param chat_id the chat id
* @return A pointer to a Telegram message object
9 years ago
Telegram::Message *Telegram::TelegramBot::sendMessage(std::string message, Json::Int64 chat_id) {
9 years ago
return(this->sendMessage(message, SSTR(chat_id)));
9 years ago
7 years ago
* sendMessage sends a simple text message to a given chat (might be a user or a group)
7 years ago
* @param message The text of the message
* @param chat_id the chat id
* @return A pointer to a Telegram message object
7 years ago
Telegram::Message* Telegram::TelegramBot::sendMessage(std::string message, std::string chat_id) {
9 years ago
std::map<std::string, std::string> params;
Json::Value obj;
params["chat_id"] = chat_id;
params["text"] = message;
9 years ago
obj = this->apiRequestJson("sendMessage", params);
return(new Telegram::Message(obj["result"]));
9 years ago
* Sends a picture from the internet to a chat
7 years ago
* @param URL The URL of the picture
* @param chat_id the chat id
* @return A pointer to a Telegram message object
Telegram::Message* Telegram::TelegramBot::sendPhoto(std::string URL, Json::Int64 chat_id) {
return(this->sendPhoto(URL, SSTR(chat_id)));
7 years ago
7 years ago
* Sends a picture from the internet to a chat
7 years ago
* @param URL The URL of the picture
* @param chat_id the chat id
* @return A pointer to a Telegram message object
7 years ago
Telegram::Message* Telegram::TelegramBot::sendPhoto(std::string URL, std::string chat_id) {
7 years ago
Json::Value obj;
7 years ago
std::map<std::string, std::string> params;
params["chat_id"] = chat_id;
params["photo"] = URL;
if ((URL.substr(0, 8) == "https://") || (URL.substr(0, 7) == "http://")) {
obj = this->apiRequestJson("sendPhoto", params);
if (URL.substr(0, 7) == "file://") {
obj = this->apiRequestFile(URL.substr(7, std::string::npos), "photo", chat_id);
return(new Telegram::Message(obj["result"]));
7 years ago
9 years ago
Telegram::Message *Telegram::TelegramBot::getMessage() {
7 years ago
* getCommandMap return the complete command list of the bot
* @return Map of the commands
9 years ago
Telegram::TCommandMap Telegram::TelegramBot::getCommandMap() {
// Private methods
7 years ago
* inits the bot. That is only sending a content-type to stdout in case
* one uses the bot by an CGI script
9 years ago
void Telegram::TelegramBot::init() {
std::cout << "Content-type: text/html\r\n\r\n" << std::endl;
9 years ago
* A generic API request
7 years ago
* Might be removed in future!
* @param method might be sendPhoto, sendMessage or any command defined by Telegram's API
* @param parameters a map of further parameters, needed by the API call
9 years ago
9 years ago
void Telegram::TelegramBot::apiRequest(std::string method, std::map<std::string, std::string> parameters) {
parameters["method"] = method;
Json::Value jValues;
Json::StyledWriter w;
for(std::map<std::string, std::string>::iterator it = parameters.begin(); it != parameters.end(); ++it) {
jValues[(*it).first] = (*it).second;
try {
cURLpp::Easy handle;
std::string url = this->api_url + method + "?" + http_build_query(parameters);
handle.perform(); // Do the curl request
int code;
code = cURLpp::Infos::ResponseCode::get(handle);
catch(cURLpp::LogicError &e) {
catch(cURLpp::RuntimeError &e) {
catch(std::exception &e) {
9 years ago
* An API request, posting JSON data
7 years ago
* @param method might be "sendPhoto", "sendMessage" or anything else, defined by the Telegram API
* @param parameters further parameters to the API call (e.g. the text of a message)
* @return the JSON structure, sent back by Telegram's API
9 years ago
Json::Value Telegram::TelegramBot::apiRequestJson(std::string method, std::map<std::string, std::string> parameters) {
std::stringstream result; // Stores the result of the api call
parameters["method"] = method;
try {
cURLpp::Easy handle;
cURLpp::Cleanup cleaner;
std::list<std::string> header;
header.push_back("Content-Type: application/json");
handle.perform(); // Do the curl request
catch(cURLpp::LogicError &e) {
catch(cURLpp::RuntimeError &e) {
catch(std::exception &e) {
Json::Reader jreader;
Json::Value obj;
jreader.parse(result.str(), obj);
return (obj);
9 years ago
* Sending a file by InputFile object
7 years ago
* @param filename a valid file name
* @param type may be photo, document, video
* @param chat_id a valid chat id (might be a user or a group chat)
* @return result Json::Value
Json::Value Telegram::TelegramBot::apiRequestFile(std::string filename, std::string type, std::string chat_id) {
std::stringstream result; // Stores the result of the api call
cURLpp::Forms formParts; // Parts to be sent
try {
cURLpp::Easy handle;
cURLpp::Cleanup cleaner;
handle.setOpt(cURLpp::Options::Url(this->api_url + "send" + type));
cURLpp::Forms parts;
parts.push_back(new cURLpp::FormParts::Content("chat_id", chat_id));
parts.push_back(new cURLpp::FormParts::File(type, filename));
catch(cURLpp::LogicError &e) {
catch(cURLpp::RuntimeError &e) {
catch(std::exception &e) {
Json::Reader jreader;
Json::Value obj;
jreader.parse(result.str(), obj);
7 years ago
return (obj);
7 years ago
* processCommand gets a command by the user (e.g. /start) and processes
* the command.
* The command should be added to the command list by addCommand before,
* otherwise "Unknwon command" is returned
* @param cmd the command, defined in the command list (e.g. /start)
* @return the output of the command
9 years ago
std::string Telegram::TelegramBot::processCommand(std::string cmd) {
// Process command
std::string sCommand;
std::string sResult;
std::vector<std::string> vCmdLine = split(cmd, ' ');
if((vCmdLine.size() > 0) && (this->command_map.find(vCmdLine[0]) != this->command_map.end())) {
sCommand = vCmdLine[0];
vCmdLine.erase(vCmdLine.begin()); // First value is the command itself
TCommand cs = this->command_map[sCommand];
sResult = (*cs.callback)(this, vCmdLine);
} else {
sResult = "Unknown command";