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379 lines
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* This file is part of the Magallanes package.
* (c) Andrés Montañez <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
class Mage_Command_BuiltIn_Deploy
extends Mage_Command_CommandAbstract
implements Mage_Command_RequiresEnvironment
const FAILED = 'failed';
const SUCCEDED = 'succeded';
const IN_PROGRESS = 'in_progress';
private $_startTime = null;
private $_startTimeHosts = null;
private $_endTimeHosts = null;
private $_hostsCount = 0;
private static $_deployStatus = 'in_progress';
public function __construct()
public static function getStatus()
return self::$_deployStatus;
public function run()
// Check if Environment is not Locked
$lockFile = '.mage/' . $this->getConfig()->getEnvironment() . '.lock';
if (file_exists($lockFile)) {
Mage_Console::output('<red>This environment is locked!</red>', 1, 2);
// Check for running instance and Lock
if (file_exists('.mage/~working.lock')) {
Mage_Console::output('<red>There is already an instance of Magallanes running!</red>', 1, 2);
} else {
// Release ID
$failedTasks = 0;
13 years ago
// Deploy Summary
Mage_Console::output('<dark_gray>Deploy summary</dark_gray>', 1, 1);
// Deploy Summary - Environment
Mage_Console::output('<dark_gray>Environment:</dark_gray> <purple>' . $this->getConfig()->getEnvironment() . '</purple>', 2, 1);
// Deploy Summary - Releases
if ($this->getConfig()->release('enabled', false)) {
Mage_Console::output('<dark_gray>Release ID:</dark_gray> <purple>' . $this->getConfig()->getReleaseId() . '</purple>', 2, 1);
// Deploy Summary - SCM
if ($this->getConfig()->deployment('scm', false)) {
$scmConfig = $this->getConfig()->deployment('scm');
if (isset($scmConfig['branch'])) {
Mage_Console::output('<dark_gray>SCM Branch:</dark_gray> <purple>' . $scmConfig['branch'] . '</purple>', 2, 1);
13 years ago
// Deploy Summary - Separator Line
Mage_Console::output('', 0, 1);
$this->_startTime = time();
// Run Pre-Deployment Tasks
$this->_runNonDeploymentTasks('pre-deploy', $this->getConfig(), 'Pre-Deployment');
// Run Tasks for Deployment
$hosts = $this->getConfig()->getHosts();
$this->_hostsCount = count($hosts);
if ($this->_hostsCount == 0) {
Mage_Console::output('<light_purple>Warning!</light_purple> <dark_gray>No hosts defined, skipping deployment tasks.</dark_gray>', 1, 3);
} else {
$this->_startTimeHosts = time();
foreach ($hosts as $_hostKey => $host) {
// Check if Host has specific configuration
$hostConfig = null;
if (is_array($host)) {
$hostConfig = $host;
$host = $_hostKey;
// Set Host and Host Specific Config
// Prepare Tasks
$tasks = 0;
$completedTasks = 0;
Mage_Console::output('Deploying to <dark_gray>' . $this->getConfig()->getHost() . '</dark_gray>');
$tasksToRun = $this->getConfig()->getTasks();
array_unshift($tasksToRun, 'deployment/rsync');
if (count($tasksToRun) == 0) {
Mage_Console::output('<light_purple>Warning!</light_purple> <dark_gray>No </dark_gray><light_cyan>Deployment</light_cyan> <dark_gray>tasks defined.</dark_gray>', 2);
Mage_Console::output('Deployment to <dark_gray>' . $host . '</dark_gray> skipped!', 1, 3);
} else {
foreach ($tasksToRun as $taskData) {
$task = Mage_Task_Factory::get($taskData, $this->getConfig(), false, 'deploy');
if ($this->_runTask($task)) {
} else {
if ($completedTasks == $tasks) {
$tasksColor = 'green';
} else {
$tasksColor = 'red';
Mage_Console::output('Deployment to <dark_gray>' . $this->getConfig()->getHost() . '</dark_gray> completed: <' . $tasksColor . '>' . $completedTasks . '/' . $tasks . '</' . $tasksColor . '> tasks done.', 1, 3);
// Reset Host Config
$this->_endTimeHosts = time();
13 years ago
if ($failedTasks > 0) {
self::$_deployStatus = self::FAILED;
Mage_Console::output('A total of <dark_gray>' . $failedTasks . '</dark_gray> deployment tasks failed: <red>ABORTING</red>', 1, 2);
} else {
self::$_deployStatus = self::SUCCEDED;
13 years ago
// Releasing
if (self::$_deployStatus == self::SUCCEDED && $this->getConfig()->release('enabled', false) == true) {
// Execute the Releases
Mage_Console::output('Starting the <dark_gray>Releaseing</dark_gray>');
foreach ($hosts as $host) {
$task = Mage_Task_Factory::get('deployment/release', $this->getConfig(), false, 'deploy');
13 years ago
if ($this->_runTask($task, 'Releasing on host <purple>' . $host . '</purple> ... ')) {
Mage_Console::output('Finished the <dark_gray>Releaseing</dark_gray>', 1, 3);
// Execute the Post-Release Tasks
foreach ($hosts as $host) {
13 years ago
$tasksToRun = $this->getConfig()->getTasks('post-release');
$tasks = count($tasksToRun);
$completedTasks = 0;
13 years ago
if (count($tasksToRun) > 0) {
13 years ago
Mage_Console::output('Starting <dark_gray>Post-Release</dark_gray> tasks for <dark_gray>' . $host . '</dark_gray>:');
foreach ($tasksToRun as $task) {
$task = Mage_Task_Factory::get($task, $this->getConfig(), false, 'post-release');
if ($this->_runTask($task)) {
if ($completedTasks == $tasks) {
$tasksColor = 'green';
} else {
$tasksColor = 'red';
Mage_Console::output('Finished <dark_gray>Post-Release</dark_gray> tasks for <dark_gray>' . $host . '</dark_gray>: <' . $tasksColor . '>' . $completedTasks . '/' . $tasks . '</' . $tasksColor . '> tasks done.', 1, 3);
// Run Post-Deployment Tasks
$this->_runNonDeploymentTasks('post-deploy', $this->getConfig(), 'Post-Deployment');
// Time Information Hosts
if ($this->_hostsCount > 0) {
$timeTextHost = $this->_transcurredTime($this->_endTimeHosts - $this->_startTimeHosts);
13 years ago
Mage_Console::output('Time for deployment: <dark_gray>' . $timeTextHost . '</dark_gray>.');
$timeTextPerHost = $this->_transcurredTime(round(($this->_endTimeHosts - $this->_startTimeHosts) / $this->_hostsCount));
Mage_Console::output('Average time per host: <dark_gray>' . $timeTextPerHost . '</dark_gray>.');
// Time Information General
$timeText = $this->_transcurredTime(time() - $this->_startTime);
Mage_Console::output('Total time: <dark_gray>' . $timeText . '</dark_gray>.', 1, 2);
// Send Notifications
// Unlock
if (file_exists('.mage/~working.lock')) {
* Execute Pre and Post Deployment Tasks
* @param string $stage
* @param Mage_Config $config
* @param string $title
private function _runNonDeploymentTasks($stage, Mage_Config $config, $title)
$tasksToRun = $config->getTasks($stage);
// PreDeployment Hook
if ($stage == 'pre-deploy') {
// Look for Remote Source
if (is_array($this->_config->deployment('source', null))) {
array_unshift($tasksToRun, 'scm/clone');
// Change Branch
if ($this->getConfig()->deployment('scm', false)) {
array_unshift($tasksToRun, 'scm/change-branch');
// PostDeployment Hook
if ($stage == 'post-deploy') {
// If Deploy failed, clear post deploy tasks
if (self::$_deployStatus == self::FAILED) {
$tasksToRun = array();
// Change Branch Back
if ($this->getConfig()->deployment('scm', false)) {
array_unshift($tasksToRun, 'scm/change-branch');
// Remove Remote Source
if (is_array($this->_config->deployment('source', null))) {
array_push($tasksToRun, 'scm/remove-clone');
if (count($tasksToRun) == 0) {
Mage_Console::output('<dark_gray>No </dark_gray><light_cyan>' . $title . '</light_cyan> <dark_gray>tasks defined.</dark_gray>', 1, 3);
} else {
Mage_Console::output('Starting <dark_gray>' . $title . '</dark_gray> tasks:');
$tasks = 0;
$completedTasks = 0;
foreach ($tasksToRun as $taskData) {
$task = Mage_Task_Factory::get($taskData, $config, false, $stage);
13 years ago
if ($this->_runTask($task)) {
if ($completedTasks == $tasks) {
$tasksColor = 'green';
} else {
$tasksColor = 'red';
Mage_Console::output('Finished <dark_gray>' . $title . '</dark_gray> tasks: <' . $tasksColor . '>' . $completedTasks . '/' . $tasks . '</' . $tasksColor . '> tasks done.', 1, 3);
13 years ago
private function _runTask($task, $title = null)
if ($title == null) {
$title = 'Running <purple>' . $task->getName() . '</purple> ... ';
Mage_Console::output($title, 2, 0);
13 years ago
$runTask = true;
if (($task instanceOf Mage_Task_Releases_SkipOnOverride) && $this->getConfig()->getParameter('overrideRelease', false)) {
$runTask == false;
13 years ago
$result = false;
if ($runTask == true) {
try {
$result = $task->run();
13 years ago
if ($result == true) {
Mage_Console::output('<green>OK</green>', 0);
$result = true;
} else {
Mage_Console::output('<red>FAIL</red>', 0);
$result = false;
} catch (Mage_Task_ErrorWithMessageException $e) {
Mage_Console::output('<red>FAIL</red> [Message: ' . $e->getMessage() . ']', 0);
$result = false;
} catch (Mage_Task_SkipException $e) {
Mage_Console::output('<yellow>SKIPPED</yellow>', 0);
$result = true;
} catch (Exception $e) {
Mage_Console::output('<red>FAIL</red>', 0);
$result = false;
} else {
Mage_Console::output('<yellow>SKIPPED</yellow>', 0);
$result = true;
13 years ago
return $result;
* Humanize Transcurred time
* @param integer $time
* @return string
private function _transcurredTime($time)
$hours = floor($time / 3600);
$minutes = floor(($time - ($hours * 3600)) / 60);
$seconds = $time - ($minutes * 60) - ($hours * 3600);
$timeText = array();
if ($hours > 0) {
$timeText[] = $hours . ' hours';
if ($minutes > 0) {
$timeText[] = $minutes . ' minutes';
if ($seconds > 0) {
$timeText[] = $seconds . ' seconds';
return implode(' ', $timeText);
* Send Email Notification if enabled
private function _sendNotification()
$projectName = $this->getConfig()->general('name', false);
$projectEmail = $this->getConfig()->general('email', false);
$notificationsEnabled = $this->getConfig()->general('notifications', false);
// We need notifications enabled, and a project name and email to send the notification
if (!$projectName || !$projectEmail || !$notificationsEnabled) {
return false;