### List of Commands ###

# Installs Magallanes on the system
sudo mage install

# Displays Magallanes version
mage version

# Creats a Magallanes instance configuration
mage init

# Creates a compiled version of Magallanes using phar
mage compile

# Upgrades Magallanes itself
mage upgrade

# Add a new Environment configuration
mage add environment --name=production

# Add a new Environment configuration with releases enabled
mage add environment --name=production --enableReleases

# Performs a SCM Update, if configured
mage update

# Deploys Application to Production environment
mage deploy to:production

# Deploys Application to Production environment, overriding the current release
mage deploy to:production --overrideRelease

# Locks deployment to Production environment
mage lock to:production

# Unlocks deployment to Production environment
mage unlock to:production

# Lists all Releases on the Production environment
mage releases list to:production

# Rollback to the last Release on the Production environment
mage releases rollback to:production
mage releases rollback --release=0 to:production

# Rollback to the first, second, or thrith Release before the current Release on the Production environment
mage releases rollback --release=-1 to:production
mage releases rollback --release=-2 to:production
mage releases rollback --release=-3 to:production

# Rollback to a specific Release on the Production environment
# mage releases rollback --release=20120101172148 to:production

# Output logs by adding verbose option to ANY command
mage deploy to:production --verbose

### List of UPCOMING Commands ###
# mage config add host s05.example.com to:[production]
# mage config git git://github.com/andres-montanez/Zend-Framework-Twig-example-app.git
# mage config svn svn://example.com/repo
# mage task:deployment/rsync to:production