* @coversDefaultClass Mage\Command\AbstractCommand
class AbstractCommandTest extends BaseTest
* @var AbstractCommand|PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject
private $abstractCommand;
* @before
public function before()
$this->abstractCommand = $this->getMockForAbstractClass('Mage\Command\AbstractCommand');
* @covers ::setConfig
public function testSetConfig()
$configMock = $this->getMock('Mage\Config');
$this->doTestSetter($this->abstractCommand, 'config', $configMock);
* @covers ::getConfig
public function testGetConfig()
$configMock = $this->getMock('Mage\Config');
$this->doTestGetter($this->abstractCommand, 'config', $configMock);
public function infoMessageProvider()
return array(
'happy_path' => array(
'name' => 'Example command',
'helpMessage' => 'This command does everything you want to',
'examples' => array(
'snippet' => 'mage example',
'description' => 'Default command'
'snippet' => 'mage example light',
'description' => 'Runs the command with lights'
'syntax' => 'mage example [light]',
'output' => "\n"
. "Command: Example command\n"
. "This command does everything you want to\n"
. "\n"
. "Syntax:\n"
. " mage example [light]\n"
. "\n"
. "Usage examples:\n"
. " * Default command:\n"
. " mage example\n"
. " * Runs the command with lights:\n"
. " mage example light\n"
'no_help_message' => array(
'name' => 'Example command',
'helpMessage' => '',
'examples' => array(
'snippet' => 'mage example',
'description' => 'Default command'
'snippet' => 'mage example light',
'description' => 'Runs the command with lights'
'syntax' => 'mage example [light]',
'output' => "\n"
. "Command: Example command\n"
. "Syntax:\n"
. " mage example [light]\n"
. "\n"
. "Usage examples:\n"
. " * Default command:\n"
. " mage example\n"
. " * Runs the command with lights:\n"
. " mage example light\n"
'no_examples' => array(
'name' => 'Example command',
'helpMessage' => 'This command does everything you want to',
'examples' => array(),
'syntax' => 'mage example [light]',
'output' => "\n"
. "Command: Example command\n"
. "This command does everything you want to\n"
. "\n"
. "Syntax:\n"
. " mage example [light]\n"
"no_syntax" => array(
'name' => 'Example command',
'helpMessage' => 'This command does everything you want to',
'examples' => array(
'snippet' => 'mage example',
'description' => 'Default command'
'snippet' => 'mage example light',
'description' => 'Runs the command with lights'
'syntax' => '',
'output' => "\n"
. "Command: Example command\n"
. "This command does everything you want to\n"
. "\n"
. "Usage examples:\n"
. " * Default command:\n"
. " mage example\n"
. " * Runs the command with lights:\n"
. " mage example light\n"
"stripping_colons" => array(
'name' => 'Example command',
'helpMessage' => 'This command does everything you want to',
'examples' => array(
'snippet' => 'mage example',
'description' => 'Default command : '
'snippet' => 'mage example light',
'description' => 'Runs the command with lights: '
'syntax' => 'mage example [light]',
'output' => "\n"
. "Command: Example command\n"
. "This command does everything you want to\n"
. "\n"
. "Syntax:\n"
. " mage example [light]\n"
. "\n"
. "Usage examples:\n"
. " * Default command:\n"
. " mage example\n"
. " * Runs the command with lights:\n"
. " mage example light\n"
"only_help" => array(
'name' => 'Example command',
'helpMessage' => 'This command does everything you want to',
'examples' => array(),
'syntax' => '',
'output' => "\n"
. "Command: Example command\n"
. "This command does everything you want to\n"
"only_examples" => array(
'name' => 'Example command',
'helpMessage' => '',
'examples' => array(
'snippet' => 'mage example',
'description' => 'Default command'
'snippet' => 'mage example light',
'description' => 'Runs the command with lights'
'syntax' => '',
'output' => "\n"
. "Command: Example command\n"
. "Usage examples:\n"
. " * Default command:\n"
. " mage example\n"
. " * Runs the command with lights:\n"
. " mage example light\n"
"only_syntax" => array(
'name' => 'Example command',
'helpMessage' => '',
'examples' => array(),
'syntax' => 'mage example [light]',
'output' => "\n"
. "Command: Example command\n"
. "Syntax:\n"
. " mage example [light]\n"
"no_name" => array(
'name' => '',
'helpMessage' => 'This command does everything you want to',
'examples' => array(
'snippet' => 'mage example',
'description' => 'Default command'
'snippet' => 'mage example light',
'description' => 'Runs the command with lights'
'syntax' => 'mage example [light]',
'output' => "\n"
. "This command does everything you want to\n"
. "\n"
. "Syntax:\n"
. " mage example [light]\n"
. "\n"
. "Usage examples:\n"
. " * Default command:\n"
. " mage example\n"
. " * Runs the command with lights:\n"
. " mage example light\n"
"no_info_at_all" => array(
'name' => '',
'helpMessage' => '',
'examples' => array(),
'syntax' => '',
'output' => "\n"
. "Sorry, there's no help for this command at the moment.\n"
* @covers ::getInfoMessage
* @covers ::setHelpMessage
* @covers ::addUsageExample
* @covers ::setSyntaxMessage
* @dataProvider infoMessageProvider
public function testGetInfoMessage($name, $helpMessage, $examples, $syntax, $expectedMessage)
/** @var AbstractCommand $command */
$command = $this->getMockForAbstractClass('Mage\Command\AbstractCommand');
foreach ($examples as $example) {
$command->addUsageExample($example['snippet'], $example['description']);
$actualMessage = $command->getInfoMessage();
$this->assertEquals($expectedMessage, $actualMessage);