<?php /* * This file is part of the Magallanes package. * * (c) Andrés Montañez <andres@andresmontanez.com> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Mage\Task\BuiltIn\Deployment\Strategy; use Mage\Task\BuiltIn\Deployment\Strategy\BaseStrategyTaskAbstract; use Mage\Task\Releases\IsReleaseAware; /** * Task for Sync the Local Code to the Remote Hosts via Tar GZ * * @author Andrés Montañez <andres@andresmontanez.com> */ class TarGzTask extends BaseStrategyTaskAbstract implements IsReleaseAware { /** * (non-PHPdoc) * @see \Mage\Task\AbstractTask::getName() */ public function getName() { if ($this->getConfig()->release('enabled', false) === true) { if ($this->getConfig()->getParameter('overrideRelease', false) === true) { return 'Deploy via TarGz (with Releases override) [built-in]'; } else { return 'Deploy via TarGz (with Releases) [built-in]'; } } else { return 'Deploy via TarGz [built-in]'; } } /** * Syncs the Local Code to the Remote Host * @see \Mage\Task\AbstractTask::run() */ public function run() { $this->checkOverrideRelease(); $excludes = $this->getExcludes(); $excludesListFilePath = $this->getConfig()->deployment('excludes_file', ''); ; // If we are working with releases $deployToDirectory = $this->getConfig()->deployment('to'); if ($this->getConfig()->release('enabled', false) === true) { $releasesDirectory = $this->getConfig()->release('directory', 'releases'); $deployToDirectory = rtrim($this->getConfig()->deployment('to'), '/') . '/' . $releasesDirectory . '/' . $this->getConfig()->getReleaseId(); $output = null; $this->runCommandRemote('mkdir -p ' . $deployToDirectory, $output, false); } // Create Tar Gz $localTarGz = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'mage'); $remoteTarGz = basename($localTarGz); $excludeCmd = ''; foreach ($excludes as $excludeFile) { $excludeCmd .= ' --exclude=' . $excludeFile; } $excludeFromFileCmd = $this->excludesListFile($excludesListFilePath); // Strategy Flags $strategyFlags = $this->getConfig()->deployment('strategy_flags', $this->getConfig()->general('strategy_flags', array())); if (isset($strategyFlags['targz']) && isset($strategyFlags['targz']['create'])) { $strategyFlags = $strategyFlags['targz']['create']; } else { $strategyFlags = ''; } // remove h option only if dump-symlinks is allowed in the release config part $dumpSymlinks = $this->getConfig()->release('dump-symlinks') ? '' : 'h'; $command = 'tar cfz'. $dumpSymlinks . $strategyFlags . ' ' . $localTarGz . '.tar.gz ' . $excludeCmd . $excludeFromFileCmd . ' -C ' . $this->getConfig()->deployment('from') . ' .'; $result = $this->runCommandLocal($command); // Strategy Flags $strategyFlags = $this->getConfig()->deployment('strategy_flags', $this->getConfig()->general('strategy_flags', array())); if (isset($strategyFlags['targz']) && isset($strategyFlags['targz']['exctract'])) { $strategyFlags = $strategyFlags['targz']['exctract']; } else { $strategyFlags = ''; } // Copy Tar Gz to Remote Host $command = 'scp ' . $strategyFlags . ' ' . $this->getConfig()->getHostIdentityFileOption() . $this->getConfig()->getConnectTimeoutOption() . '-P ' . $this->getConfig()->getHostPort() . " -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no " . ' ' . $localTarGz . '.tar.gz ' . $this->getConfig()->deployment('user') . '@' . $this->getConfig()->getHostName() . ':' . $deployToDirectory; $result = $this->runCommandLocal($command) && $result; // Strategy Flags $strategyFlags = $this->getConfig()->deployment('strategy_flags', $this->getConfig()->general('strategy_flags', array())); if (isset($strategyFlags['targz']) && isset($strategyFlags['targz']['scp'])) { $strategyFlags = $strategyFlags['targz']['scp']; } else { $strategyFlags = ''; } // Extract Tar Gz $command = $this->getReleasesAwareCommand('tar xfz' . $strategyFlags . ' ' . $remoteTarGz . '.tar.gz'); $result = $this->runCommandRemote($command) && $result; // Delete Tar Gz from Remote Host $command = $this->getReleasesAwareCommand('rm -f ' . $remoteTarGz . '.tar.gz'); $result = $this->runCommandRemote($command) && $result; // Delete Tar Gz from Local $command = 'rm -f ' . $localTarGz . ' ' . $localTarGz . '.tar.gz'; $result = $this->runCommandLocal($command) && $result; return $result; } /** * Generates the Exclude from file for rsync * @param string $excludesFile * @return string */ protected function excludesListFile($excludesFile) { $excludesListFileRsync = ''; if (!empty($excludesFile) && file_exists($excludesFile) && is_file($excludesFile) && is_readable($excludesFile)) { $excludesListFileRsync = ' --exclude-from=' . $excludesFile; } return $excludesListFileRsync; } }