
namespace MageTest\TestHelper;

 * Class BaseTest
 * Class containing common methods useful for unit testing.
 * Since Magallanes keeps compatibility with PHP 5.3, those methods can't be moved to a trait.
 * This class extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase so it can be used with any test class.
 * @package MageTest\TestHelper
 * @author Jakub Turek <ja@kubaturek.pl>
abstract class BaseTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
     * Returns value of non-public property from given class
     * @param string|object $object Object instance or class name
     * @param string $propertyName Class' or object's property name
     * @return mixed
    final protected function getPropertyValue($object, $propertyName)
        $configProperty = new \ReflectionProperty($object, $propertyName);

        return  $configProperty->getValue($object);

     * Sets value to given property and given object
     * @param object $object Object instance
     * @param string $propertyName Property name
     * @param mixed $value Value to set
    final protected function setPropertyValue($object, $propertyName, $value)
        $configProperty = new \ReflectionProperty($object, $propertyName);
        $configProperty->setValue($object, $value);

     * Disable logging to log file and turn off colors
     * @before
    protected function setUpConsoleStatics()
        $consoleReflection = new \ReflectionClass('Mage\Console');
        $logEnableProperty = $consoleReflection->getProperty('logEnabled');

        $configMock = $this->getMock('Mage\Config');

        $configProperty = $consoleReflection->getProperty('config');

     * Tests getter of given object for given property name and example value
     * @param object $object Object instance
     * @param string $propertyName Property name
     * @param mixed $propertyValue Value to set
    final protected function doTestGetter($object, $propertyName, $propertyValue)
        $this->setPropertyValue($object, $propertyName, $propertyValue);
        $getterName = $this->getGetterName($propertyName);

        $actual = $object->$getterName();

        $this->assertSame($propertyValue, $actual);

     * Tests setter of given object for given property name and example value
     * @param object $object Object instance
     * @param string $propertyName Property name
     * @param mixed $propertyValue Value to set
    final protected function doTestSetter($object, $propertyName, $propertyValue)
        $setterName = $this->getSetterName($propertyName);

        $actual = $this->getPropertyValue($object, $propertyName);
        $this->assertSame($propertyValue, $actual);

     * Returns the conventional getter name for given property name
     * @param string $propertyName Property name
     * @return string Getter method name
    private function getGetterName($propertyName)
        return 'get' . ucfirst($propertyName);

     * Returns the conventional setter name for given property name
     * @param string $propertyName Property name
     * @return string Getter method name
    private function getSetterName($propertyName)
        return 'set' . ucfirst($propertyName);