 * This file is part of the Magallanes package.
* (c) Andrés Montañez <andres@andresmontanez.com>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace Mage\Task;

use Mage\Console;
use Mage\Config;
use Mage\Task\ErrorWithMessageException;
use Mage\Task\SkipException;
use Mage\Task\Releases\IsReleaseAware;

use Exception;

 * Abstract Class for a Magallanes Task
 * @author Andrés Montañez <andres@andresmontanez.com>
abstract class AbstractTask
	 * Configuration
	 * @var Config;
    protected $config = null;

     * Indicates if the Task is running in a Rollback
     * @var boolean
    protected $inRollback = false;

     * Indicates the Stage the Task is running ing
     * @var string
    protected $stage = null;

     * Extra parameters
     * @var array
    protected $parameters = array();

     * Returns the Title of the Task
     * @return string
    public abstract function getName();

     * Runs the task
     * @return boolean
     * @throws Exception
     * @throws ErrorWithMessageException
     * @throws SkipException
    public abstract function run();

     * Task Constructor
     * @param Config $config
     * @param boolean $inRollback
     * @param string $stage
     * @param array $parameters
    public final function __construct(Config $config, $inRollback = false, $stage = null, $parameters = array())
        $this->config     = $config;
        $this->inRollback = $inRollback;
        $this->stage      = $stage;
        $this->parameters = $parameters;

     * Indicates if the Task is running in a Rollback operation
     * @return boolean
    public function inRollback()
        return $this->inRollback;

     * Gets the Stage of the Deployment:
     *     - pre-deploy
     *     - deploy
     *     - post-deploy
     *     - post-release
     * @return string
    public function getStage()
        return $this->stage;

     * Gets the Configuration
     * @return Config;
    public function getConfig()
        return $this->config;

     * Initializes the Task, optional to implement
    public function init()

     * Returns a Parameter, or a default if not found
     * @param string $name
     * @return mixed
    public function getParameter($name, $default = null)
        return $this->getConfig()->getParameter($name, $default, $this->parameters);

     * Runs a Shell Command Localy
     * @param string $command
     * @param string $output
     * @return boolean
    protected final function runCommandLocal($command, &$output = null)
        return Console::executeCommand($command, $output);

     * Runs a Shell Command on the Remote Host
     * @param string $command
     * @param string $output
     * @return boolean
    protected final function runCommandRemote($command, &$output = null)
        if ($this->getConfig()->release('enabled', false) == true) {
            if ($this instanceOf IsReleaseAware) {
                $releasesDirectory = '';

            } else {
                $releasesDirectory = '/'
                                   . $this->getConfig()->release('directory', 'releases')
                                   . '/'
                                   . $this->getConfig()->getReleaseId();

        } else {
            $releasesDirectory = '';

        $localCommand = 'ssh -p ' . $this->getConfig()->getHostPort() . ' '
                      . '-q -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no '
                      . $this->getConfig()->deployment('user') . '@' . $this->getConfig()->getHostName() . ' '
                      . '"cd ' . rtrim($this->getConfig()->deployment('to'), '/') . $releasesDirectory . ' && '
                      . str_replace('"', '\"', $command) . '"';

        return $this->runCommandLocal($localCommand, $output);

     * Runs a Shell Command Localy or in the Remote Host based on the Task Stage.
     * If the stage is "deploy" then it will be executed in the remote host.
     * @param string $command
     * @param string $output
     * @return boolean
    protected final function runCommand($command, &$output = null)
        if ($this->getStage() == 'deploy') {
        	return $this->runCommandRemote($command, $output);
        } else {
        	return $this->runCommandLocal($command, $output);