Browse Source

Added method to allow checking the source code once IonCube has run for

any un-encoded/encrypted files.
This checks against an array of file extens (used mainly to exclude
images and javascript etc.)
It also checks against an array of paths/filenames.
These 2 should maybe be combined into a single array?
If any files are found to not be encoded and havnt been excluded, then
user is prompted to confirm they wish to proced.
This is designed as a last confirmation that you have encoded all the
files that you need, and are not about to push unsecured files to a
Matt Lowe 11 years ago
  1. 141


@ -144,12 +144,18 @@ class EncryptTask extends AbstractTask {
* @var array
private $ignoreExtens = array(
private $checkIgnoreExtens = array();
* List of paths to exclude from
* encrypted/encoded test
* Paths must begin with '/'
* and are all relative to the
* project root
* @var array
private $checkIgnorePaths = array();
* (non-PHPdoc)
@ -166,10 +172,22 @@ class EncryptTask extends AbstractTask {
* @see \Mage\Task\AbstractTask::init()
public function init() {
// Set the default extensions to ignore
$this->checkIgnoreExtens = array (
// Get any options specfic to this task
$this->mageConfig = $this->getConfig ()->environmentConfig( 'ioncube' );
$this->mageConfig = $this->getConfig()->environmentConfig( 'ioncube' );
* Get all our IonCube config options
@ -221,9 +239,21 @@ class EncryptTask extends AbstractTask {
* encrypt/encode file check
if (isset ( $this->mageConfig ['ignoreextens'])) {
$this->ignoreExtens=array_merge($this->ignoreExtens, $this->mageConfig['ignoreextens']);
if (isset ( $this->mageConfig ['checkignoreextens'])) {
$this->checkIgnoreExtens=array_merge($this->ignoreExtens, $this->mageConfig['ignoreextens']);
* Check if we have been passed any extra
* file paths/files to exclude from
* encrypt/encode file check
if (isset ( $this->mageConfig ['checkignorepaths'])) {
$this->checkIgnorePaths=array_merge($this->checkIgnorePaths, $this->mageConfig['checkignorepaths']);
* now merge all the config options together
@ -289,13 +319,16 @@ class EncryptTask extends AbstractTask {
$this->switchSrcToTmp ();
$this->writeProjectFile ();
$result = $this->runIonCube ();
echo "Encoding result :".($result ? 'True' : 'False')."\n";
if (($this->checkEncoding) && ($this->checkEncoding())) {
Console::output("Encoding result :".($result ? '<green>OK</green>' : '<red>Bad!</red>')."\n", 0, 2);
if (!$result) {
$this->deleteTmpFiles ();
throw new ErrorWithMessageException('Ioncube failed to encode your project :'.$result);
if (($this->checkEncoding) && (!$this->checkEncoding())) {
throw new ErrorWithMessageException('Operation canceled by user.');
$this->deleteTmpFiles ();
return $result;
@ -311,46 +344,67 @@ class EncryptTask extends AbstractTask {
private function checkEncoding() {
$src = $this->source;
$rit = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator ( $src );
foreach ( new RecursiveIteratorIterator ( $rit ) as $filename => $cur ) {
$exten=pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
if (!array_key_exists($strtolower($exten), $this->ignoreExtens)) {
// $ask holds flag to indicate we need to prompt the end user
$ask = false;
// scan through the directory
$rit = new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator ( $src );
foreach ( new \RecursiveIteratorIterator ( $rit ) as $filename => $cur ) {
// get the 'base dir' for the project, eg. relative to the temp folder
$srcFileName = (str_replace ( $this->source, '', $filename ));
* Scan through the ignor directorys array
* and if it matches the current path/filename
* then mark the file to be skipped from testing
$skip = false;
foreach ( $this->checkIgnorePaths as $path ) {
if (fnmatch ( $path, $srcFileName )) {
$skip = true;
// check if we should test this file
if (! $skip) {
// get the file exten for this file and compare to our fileexten exclude array
$exten = pathinfo ( $filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION );
if (! in_array ( strtolower ( $exten ), $this->checkIgnoreExtens )) {
// ok, this extension needs to be checked
if ($this->checkFile($filename)) {
if ($this->checkFileCoding ( $filename )) {
// file was encrypted/encoded
} else {
// file was not encrypted/encoded
echo "File :".$filename." -> Was not encrypted\n";
Console::output("<blue>File :" . $srcFileName . "</blue> -> <red>Was not encrypted</red>", 0, 1);
$ask = true;
if ($ask) {
// ok lets ask the user if they want to procede
echo "\n\nDo you wish to procede (y/N):";
$key=strtolower($this->inKey(array('y', 'Y', 'N', 'n', '')));
if ($key!='y') {
return true;
Console::output("\n\nDo you wish to procede (y/N):", 0, 0);
if (! $this->promptYn ()) {
return false;
return false;
return true;
* This simply wiats for a single
* key press, and returns it
* @param array $vals Array of posible key presses
* @return string
private function inKey($vals) {
$inKey = "";
While(!in_array($inKey,$vals)) {
$inKey = trim(`read -s -n1 valu;echo \$valu`);
* This simply for user to enter
* 'y' or 'Y' and press enter, if
* a single 'y' is not entered then
* false is returned, otherwise
* true is returned.
* @return bool True if 'y' pressed
private function promptYn() {
$handle = fopen ("php://stdin","r");
$line = strtolower(fgets($handle));
if(trim($line) != 'y'){
return false;
return $inKey;
return true;
@ -402,11 +456,14 @@ class EncryptTask extends AbstractTask {
if (isset ( $this->mageConfig ['keeptemp'] )) {
Console::log('Deleting tempory files :', 0);
$ret1 = $this->runCommandLocal ( 'rm -Rf ' . $this->ionSource, $out1 );
$ret2 = $this->runCommandLocal ( 'rm ' . $this->projectFile, $out2 );
if ($ret1 && $ret2) {
Console::log('Failed!', 1);
throw new ErrorWithMessageException ( 'Error deleting temp files :' . $out1 . ' : ' . $out2, 40 );
@ -528,7 +585,7 @@ class EncryptTask extends AbstractTask {
* @return bool
private function switchSrcToTmp() {
echo "\nSwitching :" . $this->source . " -> To :" . $this->ionSource."\n";
//echo "\nSwitching :" . $this->source . " -> To :" . $this->ionSource."\n";
$ret = $this->runCommandLocal ( 'mv ' . $this->source . ' ' . $this->ionSource, $out );
if (! $ret) {
throw new ErrorWithMessageException ( 'Cant create tmp dir :' . $out, $ret );
